
2009-1015 KristinekeskusHi there! My name is Tarja Kivi, and I am the editor of this site. Writing mainly in Helsinki, Finland, but of course anywhere else as well – oh the blessings of  modern times! If you have a comment or request concerning a particular year in Journeys of Life, please use the comment section under the corresponding article. But you can also fill in the contact form below or leave a message in our Facebook page  – openly or privately.  For general inquiries write to:

Tarja Kivi

PS. Requests for personal additions to year files are warmly welcome! For the best result, present us with the person’s first and last name, date and place of birth, possible date of death and finally the main occupation or what the person was/is known for. Links are always welcome as well. The links do not have to lead to Wikipedia (which is the main linkage here).