One Day in the Life of Sirkka Sari


AulankoSome eighty years ago, on the 30th of July in 1939, a young aspiring actress by the name of Sirkka Sari decides to go on the rooftop of the hotel that she’s staying at with the rest of the film crew. They have just finished filming Rich Girl where she played the leading role, and now a bit of a celebration is in order. Continue reading “One Day in the Life of Sirkka Sari”

One Day in the Life of Maria Elisabeth Lämmerhirt

ODITLOKaufmannskircheIt is Wednesday, the 8th of April, 1668. Maria Elisabeth Lämmerhirt, daughter of a furrier and coachman in the German city of Erfurt, is about to marry Johann whom she has known since childhood. The wedding will take place in the old church, Kaufmannkirche, in Erfurt.

Little does she know what impact that decision is going to have on the world. Continue reading “One Day in the Life of Maria Elisabeth Lämmerhirt”

One Day in the Life of Tenzing Norgay

OneDayTenzingNorgayWelcome to another one in the series One Day in the Life of … of people from all walks of life. If we live to be 80, we have lived around 29,200 days. We get to 10,000 days at the age of 27. So there are plenty of days for all kinds of things to happen. Something spectacular. Something life-changing. Or just a pretty ordinary day that still held something very memorable. Continue reading “One Day in the Life of Tenzing Norgay”

One Day in the Life of Amasifuen Gamarra

This is the first in the series One Day in the Life of … of people from all walks of life. If we live to be 80, we have lived around 29,200 days. We get to 10,000 days at the age of 27. So there are plenty of days for all kinds of things to happen. Something spectacular. Something life-changing. Or just a pretty ordinary day that still held something very memorable. This time it is about what happened one day in Amasifuen Gamarra’s life. Continue reading “One Day in the Life of Amasifuen Gamarra”

One Day in the Life of

ArticlesSunriseInSpaceHave you read the novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn? I have, long time ago. It describes a single day in the life of an ordinary prisoner in a Gulag camp, and now, that book gives life to a new article series in this Journeys of Life: One Day in the Life of people from all walks of life.

If we live to be 80, we have lived around 29,200 days. We get to 10,000 days at the age of 27. So there are plenty of days for all kinds of things to happen. Something spectacular. Something life-changing. Or just a pretty ordinary day that still held something very memorable. Continue reading “One Day in the Life of”