Language Day #10

LanguageDayWeekdaysWelcome back to Language Day! If you haven’t read the introduction yet, please do it here. This time we deal with the etymology of weekdays in a few languages. The first day of the week varies in different countries and cultures, but let’s take here Sunday as the first day for the sake of convenience. Continue reading “Language Day #10”

Language Day #9

LanguageDayMaleFemaleWelcome once again to take a dive in languages – a big part in our journeys of life. Whether we actually make any journeys geographically or merely in our minds – digitally or otherwise. This time it will be about the third person singular – he and she. To the exclusion of all other aspects of gender specification. Continue reading “Language Day #9”

Language Day #3

LanguageDaySpongebobSquarepantsWelcome once again to take a dive in languages – a big part in our journeys of life. Whether we actually make any journeys geographically or merely in our minds – digitally or otherwise – knowing a few languages besides your mother tongue is always a good idea.

The original theme for this article was actually something entirely different, nothing to do with cartoons, but fate chose otherwise. So this time we jump into the magical world of marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg, Continue reading “Language Day #3”