Data for 1577

1577SanPedrodeAtacamachurchFrancis Drake leaves Plymouth in England on an expedition against the Spanish along the Pacific coast of the Americas, and ends up circumnavigating the world (Dec 13), the MacDonald inhabitants of the Scottish island of Eigg are supposedly massacred by the Clan MacLeod, the church in San Pedro de Atacama in the Atacama Desert in Chile is built – and all these fine people were born:

1577-0208 Robert Burton* scholar – Lindley, Leicestershire, England (1640/62)

1577-0412 Christian IV of Denmark* longest reign (59 years) of Danish monarchs – Frederiksborg Palace, Denmark (1648/70)

1577-0520 Philip de’ Medici* Grand Prince of Tuscany (1582/4)

1577-0628 Peter Paul Rubens* Flemish artist – Siegen, Nassau, Roman Empire (1640/62)

1577-1125 Piet Pieterszoon Hein* admiral/privateer – Delfshaven, Holland (1629/51)

1577-1208 Mario Minniti* Italian artist – Syracuse, Sicily (1640/62)
1577-1220 Antonio Brunelli* composer/theorist – Pisa, Italy (1630/52)

Updated 7.9.2019

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