Data for 1798

1798NapoleonInCairoFrench forces invade the Papal States and establish the (very short-lived) Roman Republic (Mar 7), the Naturalization Act of 1798 is signed into law, requiring immigrants to wait 14 years rather than five to become naturalized citizens of the United States (Jun 18), Napoleon occupies Cairo (Jul 24), conscription is made mandatory in France (Sep 5), Peasants’ War against the French occupiers in Southern Netherlands begins (Oct 12), lithography is invented – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 1798”

Catherine Who?

FNFCatherineDuchessThis time is “First Names First it is all about Catherine/ Katarina! Pick one name, then follow the Wikipedia link to read about her, and to see what if anything she could contribute your life with. Why not give a couple of minutes of your life to this for lives lived have something worthwhile to tell us – let them! Continue reading “Catherine Who?”

Did You Know That…

Photo credit Arja Mielityinen

the funny looking tree (okay, there are admittedly a lot of funny looking trees around the world) in the picture taken in Icod de Los Vinos in Teneriffe, is actually not a tree at all, but a plant? It is called Millennium Dragon Tree (El Drago Milenario in Spanish), and there are claims of it being the oldest tree on the planet. Continue reading “Did You Know That…”

Triple Gold Club

TGC member Peter Forsberg

To be part of a winning team in Stanley Cup, World Championship and Olympic Games in ice hockey means belonging to the Triple Gold Club.

To date there are only 28 players who have accomplished that. They have all played either offense or defense. Here follows a list of them all (10 Canadians, 9 Swedes, 7 Russians and 2 Czechs). To many of whom perhaps the Stanley Cup Trophy shines the brightest while playing for your national team brings an altogether different kind of sense of accomplishment. Continue reading “Triple Gold Club”

Fear The Walking Dead

Fear_The_Walking_DeadFans of the horror genre welcomed the post-apocalyptic AMC series Fear The Walking Dead back in 2015, the spin-off series of  The Walking Dead. The series depicts the period slightly prior to when all started going wrong, upto the times when everything most anywhere was wrong. So if you like The Walking Dead, you’ll most probably like Fear the Walking Dead as well. Continue reading “Fear The Walking Dead”