Who Said That! #20

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAThis time in our series Who Said That! let’s go down the rabbit hole! Or literally explore where that phrase:

Going down the rabbit hole

originates in. The meaning of it is obvious to most of us. We see something, but want or need to know more about it and are willing to go to great measures and depths in order to find out, once and for all. So like the rabbit that disappears in its hole under ground to escape a danger, we dive into a hole  – not to avoid danger, but possibly face it in letting ourselves get in circumstances unknown to us in order to find out what lies beneath the surface, what actually is there to know if you take that step.

So where does this phrase come from? The source is believed to be Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, a novel written by Lewis Carroll in 1865. The curious, adventurous Alice crawls into a rabbit’s hole and literally falls down in it, ending up in a strange place called Wonderland.

A rabbit hole can lead you to discover something completely new and unexpected, but also lead you astray from your commitments, all depending on the length and depth of your visit. The thing is, you are not to meant to stay there. It is a rabbit hole.

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