
ArticlesUfologyWhether you believe it or not, there is ample evidence that the Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials for ages. Of course, many of us have also witnessed that, but since the mainstream media doesn’t yet deal widely with the subject, it is not “public knowledge”, but rather something that many people find something to ridicule. Continue reading “Ufology”

Stand by Me

Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Jerry O’Connell and Corey Feldman in Stand by Me (1986)

Many of us remember with fondness the movie with the same title as that fantastic piece of music, Stand by Me (released in April, 1961). The film premiered in 1986, and kind of gave that song to a whole new generation of music lovers!

The movie is a coming of age story for four teenage boys, played by Wil Wheaton (as Gordie), Continue reading “Stand by Me”

Jennifer Who?

FNFJenniferLawrenceThis time in First Names First” let’s got through women with the name Jennifer/Jenny. Your “task” – should you accept it – is to pick one of the names below, then follow the Wikipedia link to read about that person, and to see what if anything he or she could contribute your life with. Lives lived have all something to tell us – let them!

Jenny Lind* opera singer – Stockholm, Sweden (1820-1887)
Jenny Twitchell Kempton* opera singer – Dublin, NH USA (1835-1921) Continue reading “Jennifer Who?”

Data for 1507

1507MonaLisa2Martin Waldseemüller publishes his world map, naming the new continent America in honor of Amerigo Vespucci (Apr), the Portuguese occupy Mozambique, King James IV grants a patent for the first printing press in Scotland, Leonardo da Vinci completes the Mona Lisa – and all these fine people were born:

1507-0125 Johannes Oporinus* humanist printer – Basel, Swiss Confederation (1568/61)

1507-0414 Konrad Hubert* theologian/hymn writer/ reformer – Bergzabern, Germany (1577/70) Continue reading “Data for 1507”

Striking Up a Conversation

ArticlesTalkingOnTheStreetWhether you are the gregarious type or more prone to privacy, there are moments in life when you may want to strike up a conversation with a total stranger.

Be it at a bus stop, a bar or a street corner, the consequences of unexpected openers can be far-reaching for both  parties – or a pleasant break from your usual routine. Continue reading “Striking Up a Conversation”

Jeff Who?

FNFJeffreyDeanMorganThis time in “First Names First it is all about Jeff and Jeffrey! Take your pick in the list, and find some inspiring stories behind these names. Give this a couple of minutes for lives lived have all something worthwhile to tell us. Let them!

Jeffrey DeMunn* actor – Buffalo, NY USA (1947)
Jeff Bridges* actor/singer/producer – Los Angeles, CA USA (1949) Continue reading “Jeff Who?”

Walking, walking


WalkingWe learn to walk around the age of one – and what a delight that is for both the parents and child! And from then on – unless something unforeseen happens – we walk our whole lives.

The steps we take are uncountable. But let’s say that we take an average 3000 steps a day during 10 years. That would make close to 11 million steps. So in 80 years one might take around 88 million steps. Continue reading “Walking, walking”

Data for 2012

2012FelixBaumgartnerAfter 246 years since its first publication, the Encyclopedia Britannica discontinues its print edition (Mar 13), Edvard Munch’s The Scream sets a new world record for an auctioned work of art (May 22), the Summer Olympics begin in London, England (Jul 27), the Mars rover Curiosity successfully lands on Mars (Aug 6), Felix Baumgartner skydives from 24 miles (39 km) over Roswell, New Mexico (Oct 14) – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 2012”