Language Day #6

LDWhereIsThis time in Language Day a very useful expression if you are traveling abroad. The one question that you need to ask when looking for a place, any place. You already know where you want to get to, and you only need to attach two simple words to it: where is? Continue reading “Language Day #6”

Monthly Latin #9

MLWisdomChinCharTime for another Latin phrase in our Monthly Latin series. This time about something that will become increasingly important in our modern world as we move towards times that will most probably challenge the ways we handle global adversity collectively.

Sapiens qui prospicit

Continue reading “Monthly Latin #9”

Data for 1709

1709hardpasteporcelainThe Great Frost of 1709 in Western Europe begins, killing thousands (Jan 6), the production of hard-paste porcelain in Europe starts (Mar 28), Peter the Great defeats the Swedish forces at Poltava, and thus ends Sweden’s role as a major power in Europe (Jun 27), the city of Chihuahua in Mexico is founded (Oct 12), ten ships leave London for the New York Colony (Dec 25) – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 1709”

Data for 1621

1621SamosetAndThePilgrimsMohegan leader Samoset greets the English settlers in Plymouth Colony (Mar 16), first treaty between the Native Americans and the settlers is signed (Apr 1), the Dutch East India Company is founded (Jun 3), the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony and Wampanoags celebrate a harvest feast, later regarded as the First Thanksgiving (Oct), Gothenburg in Sweden is founded, the Dutch forces massacre thousands in Java for nutmeg – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 1621”

Matt Who?

MattDamonOnce again “First Names First” where  we present a chronological list of persons with their first name here, and your task is to pick one. Then follow the Wikipedia link to read about that person, and to see what if anything he or she could contribute your life with. Perhaps some inspiration. Give a couple of minutes of your life to this. Lives lived have all something worthwhile to tell us – let them! Continue reading “Matt Who?”

Data for 1587

The motte of Fotheringhay Castle where Mary Stuart was imprisoned in 1587

Queen Elizabeth I signs the death warrant for Mary, Queen of Scots (Feb 1), beheaded a week later (Feb 8), a group of English settlers arrive on Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina, in order to re-establish the deserted colony (Jul 22), Toyotomi Hideyoshi becomes the Daijō-daijin in Japan – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 1587”

Data for 2010

2010BurjKhalifaThe tallest man-made structure to date, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, is officially opened (Jan 4), volcanic ash from Mount Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland spreads to northern and western Europe, disrupting air traffic (Apr 14), Greece gets a hefty bailout package from the EU (May 2), Wikileaks leaks to the public thousands of internal U.S. reports (Jul 25),  ISS surpasses record for longest human stay in space (Oct 22), Wikileaks releases new classified reports (Nov 28) – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 2010”