Data for 1872

1872YellowstoneThe Metropolitan Museum of Art opens in New York City (Feb 20), Yellowstone National Park becomes the world’s first national park (Mar 1), the New Zealand Wars end after 17 years (May 15), trade unions become legal in Canada (Jun 14), Continue reading “Data for 1872”

12 Men on the Moon

Buzz Aldrin in 1969

Twelve men have walked on the Moon, so far.  The Apollo Moon landings took place between 1969 and 1972, and for whatever reason and quite surprisingly, man has not been there since. Here is anyway a list of all these twelve lunar astronauts. Of them four are still alive (as of August 2018) with Harrison Schmitt being the most recent living person to have set his foot on our satellite. Continue reading “12 Men on the Moon”

Data for the 1420s

1420FlorenceCathedralIn the year 1420, King Charles VI of France acknowledges Henry V of England as his heir, and virtual ruler of most of France (May 21), construction of the dome of Florence Cathedral begins (Aug 7), Beijing is officially designated as the capital of the Ming Dynasty (Oct 28), construction begins of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for the 1420s”

Monthly Latin #3

This is the third piece in our series Monthly Latin – one Latin phrase or quotation a month. Our fascination of this old language may very well keep it alive for centuries to come. This one must be one of the most well-known Latin phrases, one that everyone should know. And one that has bearing in anyone’s life at one point or another.


Alea iacta est

Continue reading “Monthly Latin #3”

Stand-up Comedy

ArticlesStandupComedyA career as a stand-up comedian must be pretty hard. Having to find good material for a live audience, and to do that on a constant basis. Yet there are hundreds of people doing that for living, at least part of their professional lives.

The list below shows some of them. If there is a name missing that you would like to have added, please leave a comment. Having said that, the list is being updated from time to time. Continue reading “Stand-up Comedy”

Sandra Who?

FNFSandraBullockThis is one in the series of articles titled “First Names First” and it is all for pure entertainment! We present a chronological list of persons with their first name here, and your task is to pick one. Then follow the Wikipedia link to read about that person, and to see what if anything he or she could contribute your life with. Inspiration, passion, enlightenment, encouragement, empathy, etc. Spend a couple of minutes of your life with this. Lives lived have all something worthwhile to tell us – let them!

This time it is all about Sandra! Continue reading “Sandra Who?”

Data for 1812

ÇMastering the Metric SystemÈ av Ned V. Schimmizzi
The metric system is still spreading

Napoleon authorizes the usage of Mesures usuelles, the basis of the metric system (Feb 12), the capital of Finland is moved from Turku to Helsinki (Apr 8), the War of 1812 between United States, Canada and the United Kingdom  begins (Jun 18), Napoleon’s troops enter Moscow, which is deliberately set on fire by Muscovites (Sep 14), Continue reading “Data for 1812”

Streets of London

SASLondon1Let’s have another article in our series Streets and Squares  – a fun way to learn about the history and culture of the cities you visit or even live in! This time we go through London. You would expect a lot of royal names here – queens and kings etc – and so it is too. But let’s have a nice mix of those and some other interesting names, shall we. Continue reading “Streets of London”

Data for 1827

1827GoldenPlatesThe first African-American owned newspaper in the U.S., Freedom’s Journal, is founded (Mar 16), Beethoven dies in Vienna (Mar 26), the first fountain pen with replaceable ink cartridge is patented in France (May 25), 3/4 of Turku in Finland is destroyed by fire (Sep 4), the Mormon leader Joseph Smith claims to have found the golden plates – central in the Mormon religion – this date (Sep 22), the term socialist is coined by Robert Owen in his London periodical (Nov), the Greek War of Independence goes on – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 1827”

Who Said That! #6

Here’s another good quote in the series Who Said That! These pieces are there to brighten your day, put a smile on your face, increase your tolerance of fellow human beings – or just give you a temporary relief from whatever you were doing a moment ago.

Remember to scroll down  s l o w l y  so as not to reveal too early who said that.

Who said:

“Life is what happens to us

while we are making other plans.”

Continue reading “Who Said That! #6”

The 14th Century

Pick one year or decade between 1301 and 1400! If you have ancestors born during this century that you know of, you can have them added in the list by simply leaving a comment in the box below the year or decade in question. The decades for the 14th century will have links by and by.

1300s – 1310s1320s – 1330s – 1340s – 1350s1360s -1370s- 1380s -1390s

Here individual years will be few and far between unless we will get plenty of requests from genealogists. But here down below will be a few:

Updated 7.9.2019

Data for 1865

1865LincolnAssassinationJohn Deere receives a patent for plows (Feb 21), Abraham Lincoln is sworn in for a second term (Mar 4), the German company BASF is founded (Apr 6), Lincoln is assassinated in Washington, D.C. (Apr 14), the Confederate Government is officially dissolved (May 5), the Mimosa sets sail with Welsh emigrants to Patagonia (May 28), Salvation Army is founded (Jul 2), the U.S. Secret Service is founded (Jul 5), Continue reading “Data for 1865”

Data for 1493

1493LeonardoDaVinciHelicopterChristopher Columbus returns to Spain from his first trip to Americas (Mar 15), Ottoman forces defeat those of the Kingdom of Croatia in southern Croatia (Sep 9), Christopher Columbus sets off for his second voyage (Sep 29) and lands on the coast of the island of Borinquen (today’s Puerto Rico), and renames it San Juan (Nov 19), Leonardo da Vinci draws first known helicopter – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 1493”

Steven Who?

FNFStevenSpielbergYet another piece in the series of articles titled “First Names First”! Below is a chronological list of persons with their first name here. Your task is to pick one, then follow the Wikipedia link to read about that person, and to see what if anything he or she could contribute your life with. Give a couple of minutes of your life to this. Lives lived all have something to tell us – let them!

This time it is all about Steve(n)/Stephen! Continue reading “Steven Who?”

Articles & Article Series

ArticlesListsOfThis page will show you all the existing article series in Journeys of Life. The list is in alphabetical order and will expand as time goes by. Clicking at a link will open up the initial page of that series.

In this page are also listed all the miscellaneous articles of Journeys of Life. That list is updated any time another miscellaneous article is published. But you can access the articles of course in the front page by clicking there at Articles. Continue reading “Articles & Article Series”

Did you know that…

Golda Meir at age 16 in 1914

Golda Meir (1898-1978), the fourth Prime Minister of Israel, attending the Fourth Street Grade School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (now called Golda Meir School) organised a fund raiser to pay for her classmates’ textbooks? A future leader. Or that she lived all her formative years in the United States before moving to Palestine in 1921? And that she strongly identified with Judaism culturally, but when it came to her religious beliefs, she was actually an atheist.


Data for 2004

2004Facebook.svgThe largest ocean liner ever built,  RMS Queen Mary 2, is christened (Jan 8), Facebook is created (Feb 8), NATO expands by seven European countries (Mar 29), the European Union expands by ten member states (May 1), SpaceShipOne becomes the first privately funded spacecraft to achieve spaceflight (Jun 21), the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft arrives at Saturn (Jul 1), the Orange Revolution begins in Ukraine (Nov 22), tsunami 2004 kills thousands in Thailand and Indonesia (Dec 26) – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 2004”