Data for the 1720s

1720GulliversTravelsIn the year 1720, Sweden and Prussia sign the Treaty of Stockholm, by and by ending the Great Northern War (Feb 11), Spanish forces assault the British settlement of Nassau in the Bahamas (Feb 24), Frederick I becomes the king of Sweden (Mar 24), the English stock market crashes (Sep), the Tuscarora people leave North Carolina as a result of European colonization, the world’s first yacht club is founded in Ireland, Jonathan Swift begins his Gulliver’s Travels – and all these fine people were born:

1720-0130 Charles De Geer* industrialist/entomologist – Finspång, Sweden (58)
1720-0313 Charles Bonnet* naturalist/ philosophical writer – Geneva, Republic of Geneva (1793/73)
1720-1220 Mikko Ala-Kiikka** husband of Agneta/PC – Ilmajoki, Finland/Sweden (1792/71)

1721 Individual post

1722-0103 Fredrik Hasselqvist* traveller/ naturalist – Törnevalla, Östergötland, Sweden (1752/30)

In the year 1723 (u.p.), Baku surrenders to Russians in the Russo-Persian War, remaining part of Russia for 12 years (Jun 26), having seen the Palace of Versailles in France, Peter the Great opens the Peterhof Palace in Saint Petersburg (Aug), Antonio Vivaldi composes The Four Seasons – and all these fine people were born:

1723-0205 John Witherspoon* Scottish-American signer of the Declaration of Independence – Gifford, Scotland (1794/72)
1723-0603 Giovanni Antonio Scopoli* physician/naturalist – Cavalese, Val de Fiemme, Holy Roman Empire (1788/64)-a
1723-0616 Adam Smith* (B) economist/philosopher – Kirkcaldy, Scotland (1790/67)
1723-1011 Hedvig Strömfelt* baroness/psalm writer – Stockholm, Sweden (1766/42)
1723-1226 Friedrich Melchior* Baron von Grimm/journalist/diplomat – Regensburg, Germany (1807/83)

1724-0327 Jane Colden* botanist – New York, NY USA (1766/41)
1724-0422 Immanuel Kant* philosopher – Königsberg, Prussia (1804/79)
1724-0710 Eva Ekeblad* agronomist/ scientist – Stockholm, Sweden (1786/61)
1724-1031 Christopher Anstey* poet – Brinkley, Cambridgeshire, England (1805/80)

1725 Individual post

In the year 1726. Voltaire begins his exile in England (May 1), Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels is published (Oct 26),

1726-0405 Benjamin Harrison V* planter/merchant/ signer of the Declaration of Independence – Charles City County, Colony of Virginia, British America (1791/65)
1726-1009 Agneta Ala-Kiikka** (b Malmsten) daughter of Kristiina&Johan/PC – Ilmajoki, Finland/Sweden (1789/63)
1726-1120 Oliver Wolcott* politician/signer of the Declaration of Independence – Windsor, Connecticut (1797/71)

In the year 1727, The first Amish move to North America.

1727-0127 Aron Gustaf Silfersparre* baron/chamberlain – Stockholm, Sweden (1818)
1727-0514 Thomas Gainsborough* (B) painter/ draughtsman/printmaker – Sudbury, Suffolk, England (1788/61)

1728-0221 Peter III of Russia* husband of Catherine II – Kiel, Duchy of Holstein (1762/34)
1728-0516 Johann Andreas Stein* organ and piano maker/a central figure in the history of the piano – Heidesheim, Germany (1792/63)
1728-0903 Matthew Boulton* manufacturer/business partner of engineer James Watt – Birmingham, England (1809/80)
1728-1107 James Cook* explorer/cartographer – Marton, Yorskhire, Great Britain (1779/50)

1729 Individual post

Updated 18.9.2019

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