Data for 1831

Le Quai Saint Michel et Notre Dame by Maximilien Luce (painted 1901)

The French Foreign Legion is founded (Mar 10), Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is published (Mar 16), the North Magnetic Pole is located by James Clark Ross (Jun 1), Leopold I is inaugurated as the King of the Belgians (Jul 21), Russian troops enter the Polish capital Warsaw and crush all resistance (Sep 6), slave trading is forbidden in Brazil (Nov 7), Charles Darwin embarks on his historic voyage aboard HMS Beagle from Plymouth, England (Dec 27) – and all these fine people were born:

1831-0103 Savitribai Phule* social reformer/educationalist/poet – Naigaon, British India (1897/66)-a

1831-0303 George Pullman* engineer/ inventor/industrialist – Brocton, NY USA (1897/66)
1831-0306 Philip Sheridan* Union general – Albany, NY USA (1888/57)
1831-0312 Clement Studebaker* wagon and carriage manufacturer – Pinetown, PA USA (1901/70)

1831-0507 Richard Norman Shaw* architect – Edinburgh, Scotland (1912/81)

1831-0613 James Clerk Maxwell* scientist/mathematical physicist – Edinburgh, Scotland (1879/48)

1831-0708 John Pemberton* pharmacist/developer and founder of Coca-Cola – Knoxville, GA USA (1888/57)

1831-0812 Helena Blavatsky* author/ philosopher/theosophist – Yekaterinoslav, Russian Empire (1891/59)
1831-0816 Hiram Bingham II* Christian missionary – Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii (1908/77)-a

1831-0916 Lena Hakoniemi** (b Långholm) farmer – Ilmajoki, GD of Finland (1894/63)-a
1831-0918 Siegfried Marcus* engineer/ inventor – Malchin, GD of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1898/66)
1831-0920 Kate Harrington* teacher/writer/poet – Allegheny City, PA USA (1917/85)-a

1831-1016 Lucy Stanton* (born free) abolitionist/feminist – OH USA (1910/78)
1831-1031 Paolo Mantegazza* neurologist/physiologist/anthropologist – Monza, Italy (1910/78)-a

1831-1119 James A. Garfield*/20usp – Moreland Hills, OH USA (1881/49)

Updated 22.3.2019

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PS. Check here to read more about the bells of Notre-Dame!

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