Data for the 1730s

1730sShearithIsrael Synagogue
Shearith Israel in New York City (Courtesy of Gryffindor)

In the year 1730 the first synagogue in New York City is dedicated (Apr 8), Mahmud I becomes the new Ottoman emperor, an empire that existed from around 1299 until 1922 (Sep 17), construction of the Ladoga Canal – one of the first major navigable canals – is completed in order to safeguard the passage for boats in the windy Lake Ladoga in Western Russia (Oct 22) – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for the 1730s”

Data for 1837

Queen Victoria at age 18

Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist begins publication in serial form in London (Feb), Seminoles attack Fort Foster in Florida (Feb 4), the city of Chicago is incorporated (Mar 4), British businessmen Proctor and Gample begin selling their first manufactured goods such as soap and candles in Cincinnati, Ohio (Apr 12), the financial crisis named Panic of 1837 begins in New York City (May 10), Queen Victoria accedes the throne of United Kingdom at age 18 after her uncle dies (Jun 20), in the Canadas, there is organized rebellion against the British colonial rule – and all these fine people were born: Continue reading “Data for 1837”