Credit to John Perry Barlow

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This is the first article in the series of “Credit Where Credit is Due”. It is about John Barlow who passed away a few weeks ago.
You can read about him in his Wikipedia page of course, and in The Economist. But also by following the link below kindly provided by Mary Cadly. The link opens an honorable article about this great man who had a lot to teach us, and who taught us by example. Many of you might know him from his connection to Grateful Dead, many again from his internet activism. The Electronic Frontier Foundation which he co-founded promotes internet civil liberties. You can find all that information elsewhere. Here I just want to point out how people like he inspire people like me. I once had a Charlie Brown sweater with the text I want to make this a better world for me to live in. It took years for me to understand that it could be interpreted to be something selfish, for the “me” has always been for me “we/us”. And so it was for John Perry Barlow. Read on:

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