Data for the 1570s

In the year 1570, Ivan the Terrible begins the Massacre of Novgorod (Jan 9), the assassination of Scottish regent James Stewart plunges Scotland into civil war (Jan 23), the Kingdom of Livonia is established (Jun 10), the Ottoman conquest of Cyprus begins (Jul 3) – and all these fine people were born:

1570-0413 Guy Fawkes* conspirator – Stonegate, York, England (1606)
1570-0505 Tamás Esterházy* nobleman/author – Hungary (1616)

1571-1227 Johannes Kepler* astronomer/astrologer – Weil der Stadt, Germany (1630/58)

1572-0122 John Donne* poet – London, England (1631/59)
1572-1227 Jan Vodnansky* – Czech humanist/composer/pedagogue – Vodnany, Bohemia (1622/49)

1573-0120 Simon Marius* astronomer – Gunzenhausen, Principality of Ansbach (1625/51)

1574-0304 Carl Gyllenhielm* soldier/politician – Sweden (1650/76)

1575-0426 Marie de’ Medici* Queen of France – Florence, Tuscany (1642/67)

1576-xxxx Johannes Banfi Hunyades* chemist/alchemist/metallurgist – Rivulus Dominarum, Hungary (1646/70)

1576-0105 Anne Turner* murderer – Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, England (1615/39)
1576-0229 Antonio Neri* priest/chemist/glassmaker – Florence (1614/38)

1577 Individual post

1578-0414 Philip III of Spain* King of Spain (1598-1621) – Madrid, Spain (1621/42)
1578-0709 Ferdinand II* Holy Roman Emperor – Graz, Duchy of Styria, Austria (1637/58)
1578-1012 Baldassare Aloisi* history and portrait painter/engraver – Bologna, Italy (1638/60)

1579-0713 Arthur Dee* physician/alchemist – Mortlake, London, England (1651)

Updated 8.9.2019

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